Green Ict Benefit Ppt

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Advantages of Green Technology | Disadvantages of Green Technology

This page covers advantages and disadvantages of Green Technology.It mentions Green Technology advantages or benefits and Green Technology disadvantages or challenges.

The technology which builds products and systems to help inconserving natural resources and environment is known as greentechnology.

It is technology which is environment friendly and hence known asenvironmental technology or clean technology.It uses innovative methods to create environmental friendly products.

Because of these reductions, Green ICT initiatives also produce cost savings in energy use, purchases, management and support, in addition to environmental benefits. Beyond cost savings and environmental benefits, some initiatives may address stakeholder and regulatory needs and demands. Research in Green ICT. Staff Understanding Of Ict Benefits 2.9 1.4 1.5 0.97 2.6 1.45 PPT. Presentation Summary: Staff understanding of ICT benefits 2.9 1.4 1.5 0.97 2.6 1.45 1.44 0.0000035 2.08 2.19 2.5 0.78 1.99 2.94 Access to own PC or Shared Computers Campus.

The need of green technology arises due to the fact that naturalresources are declining and pollution has increased due to abundantuse of non renewable sources.

  1. For assessing the ICT carbon footprint. Basis of methodology is to compare the GHG emissions from a Business as Usual (BAU) scenario and a scenario which includes the ICT service. Must be carried out over the full life cycle (LCA). Helps to establish the business case to go green.
  2. Green IT or IT sustainability is the study and practice of environmentally sustainable IT or computing. This can include 'designing, manufacturing, using, and disposing of computers, servers, and associated subsystems efficiently and effectively with minimal or no impact on the environment. Besides IT itself being green, it can support, assist.
  3. ICT INTERGRATION IN TEACHING AND LEARNING fPREAMBLE 1. Integration of ICT in teaching and learning Presented by E.F.O. (K.U),MLIS (K.U)-IP Email: f2. Presentation outline. Definition of ICT. Characteristics of ICT. Benefits of ICT. Benefits of ICT. ICT Tools and Digital Techniques. Web.

Products, systems or equipments based on green technology satisfyfollowing features or characteristics.
• It should reduce or minimize degradation of natural environment around us.
• It should have zero or minimum emission of green housegases.
• It should be safe to use and should promote healthy environmentfor all the forms of life including humans, birds, animals etc.
• It should help in conservation of energy as well asnatural resources such as solar, water, wind etc.
• It should promote use of re-newable resources.

Green ict benefit ppt

The figure-1 mentions goals or functions of green technology.They are reduce (fuels, waste, energy consumption etc.), recycling (of paper, plastic, can,batteries, clothing etc.) , renewing (renewing energysuch as wind power, water power, solar energy, bio-fuel, waste water etc.), Refuse (the useof plastic bags) and responsibility.

Here term 'responsibility' refers to following responsibilities by the people ofour nation:
• Do not waste electricity i.e. switch off electrical equipment when not needed.
• Do not waste water i.e. never leave taps open while brushing teeth or washingplates.
• Do not waste fuel.
• Do not waste food.

The major applications of green technology include following.
• Energy sector
• Building sector
• Water and waste management sector
• Transport sector
• Solar power sector

Benefits or advantages of Green Technology

Following are the advantages of Green Technology:
➨It does not emit anything harmful forthe environment.
➨It has become popular as consumers of the technologyare becoming more environment conscious.This will give benefits to investors at long run in certain areas.
➨It requires less cost for maintenance. This reduces operating costand hence overall cost on the long run.
➨As it uses renewable natural resources and hence we will never run out of vitalresources such as water and electricity.
➨It will slow down effects of global warming due toreduction in CO2 emissions.

Challenges or disadvantages of Green Technology

Following are the disadvantages of Green Technology:
➨Initial investment or implementation cost is very high.
➨People are still not familiar with the technology andhence will take time to adopt it for larger population.
➨The technology is still evolving and many of theproducts are at R&D stage. Hence people are unaware ofperformance results.
➨Lack of skilled human resources are availableto install or implement the green technology based products orsystems.
➨In most of the countries policies have not been finalized forthe green technology based systems.

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Green Ict Benefit Ppt

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